Strawberry Shortcake… Cupcake… Surprise

Strawberry Shortcake… Cupcake… Surprise

      How can that be you say! Strawberry Shortcake, in a Cupcake with a Surprise whaaaaat!! say it with me one time Strawberry Shortcake… Cupcake… SURPRISE!!

      What could the surprise possibly be you ask? Well, thank you so much for asking… let me explain in a short story.

      This recipe is all about Strawberry week, thousands of beautiful ripe strawberries that need to be eaten or frozen right away.

      It started off with me saying to myself ( redundant I know lol ) Strawberry Shortcake… I have to put a classic on for Strawberry week. Fluffy Cake, sweet Strawberries and, mmm, mmm Whip Cream. What is there to improve upon?

      Let’s start with stuffing them, ok that seems like a simple fun way to add a surprise. Then I opened up my favourite cookbook in the whole wide world ” Culinary Artistry “.

      I turned the page to Strawberries and there it was, the first word under Strawberries… Almonds. There was no way I was doing a plain white cake now, Almond Cupcakes all the way.

      Then my eyes kept wandering down the page and right there in bold print was Mascarpone… Mascarpone Whip Cream ahhhhhhh the light started shining bright.

    I was so excited to try making these and eating one. Even more excited to make them and see the look on someone else’s face when they tried one. They’ll already be giddy thinking about biting into a Strawberry Shortcake Cupcake.

      All their childhood memories flooding back to birthday parties and Nana’s house for dinner.

      Then………  BAM!! the Mascarpone hits them and their eyes widen trying to figure out what that wonderful flavour is.

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes, Strawberries, tea and Whip Cream

      Then….. BAM! BAM! ( a double Bam because they’re already in shock, ) that isn’t just a plain white Cake….. ohhhh my goodness these are soooo good!!

      Moments like that are one of the reasons I love to cook so much. It’s like giving the perfect gift at Christmas and seeing that incredible expression of joy on your kid’s face. Just think, you can get that expression all year round with delicious food, It’s so much fun, at least to me lol.

The Cake in CupCAKE

      It all starts with a simple Cupcake recipe, but with a tweak. We replace some of the Flour with ground Almonds. Simple enough but let’s go over it anyway.

      Make sure to let the Butter soften a little so that it will fluff up when whipped with the Sugar. Add the two ingredients together and whip with a mixer ( I love my Kitchen Aid Mixer for jobs like this ) for 3 – 4 minutes until light and fluffy.

Whipped Butter and Sugar in a mixer

      Next step is to add the Eggs to the Butter and Sugar. Keep the mixer on low and add one Egg at a time, then the Almond Extract. Mix until fully incorporated. In the meantime measure out the milk and put all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix.

       Turn the mixer to low, add one third of the dry ingredients into the mixer. Alternating with the Milk add the rest of the dry ingredients and Milk. You should end up with a batter that looks thicker than pancake batter.

Cupcake batter in a mixer

Preparing Strawberry Shortcake, Cupcake, Surprise for the oven

      Turn the oven on to 350°F and line a muffin tin with baking cups. I found some really nice ones at Ikea but they are available all over. Spoon the batter into the baking cups, I love using my Ice Cream Scoops for this.

      I have an Ice Cream Scoop that is approx. a quarter cup, which is perfect for scooping Cupcake batter.

Cupcake batter scooped into muffin tray

      Place in the middle of the oven and bake for 20 – 25 minutes, or until a skewer poked in the middle come out clean. I found mine were still very underdone at 20 minutes but were cooked nicely by 25 minutes.

Almond Cupcakes on cooling rack

The Sugar comes marching in

      I must warn you, the rest of this recipe is not for the faint of heart. And if you are on a Keto diet, welllll, please go check out some of the other great recipes I have for you because this isn’t one of them 😉 . Being able to consume Sugar is a must to eat Strawberry Shortcake, Cupcake, Surprise!

      Time to kick the strawberries up a notch, cut the Strawberries into tiny pieces and mix with Icing Sugar and Port Wine. If you don’t have Port, any dessert wine will do or even a Brandy or Rum.

      Set the Strawberries aside and move on to the Mascarpone Whip Cream. Start with the Cream in a mixing bowl and whip until you’ve reached soft peaks. Add the Icing Sugar and Vanilla and continue to whip until incorporated.

      In a separate bowl add the Mascarpone Cheese and using a whisk beat the Cheese to fluff it up a little. Spoon in one-third of the Whip Cream into the Mascarpone and mix until they are incorporated.

      The reason for doing this is to keep the Whip Cream as light as possible without losing volume. Continue to spoon in one-third of the Whip Cream at a time, fold the whisk over and over. Try to prevent stirring or whipping when mixing the Cream into the Cheese.

      When finished place into a piping bag, I use a ziplock most of the time, with a large rosette tip on the end.

      A trick is to place the piping bag tip side down into a cup, then scoop the Whip Cream in. This prevents having to hold the bag and scoop at the same time, which can be cumbersome.

      Into the fridge with the Whip Cream and onto building the Cupcakes.

Almond Cupcakes getting scooped out

Assembling our Strawberry Cupcakes

      The first thing to do is create our little surprise pocket, that’s where our macerated Strawberries are going to hide. This is easy to do with a melon baller but in a pinch, you can use a small spoon.

      Just like making Melon balls simply press the Melon baller into the centre top of the Cupcake and scoop out the middle. You want to remove a decent amount but make sure to not go all the way through to the bottom.

      Using a teaspoon, spoon the Strawberry mixture into each of the caves you just made. Don’t forget to add a little of the macerated juice too, these cakes are dense and will soak it right up.

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes getting filled with Strawberries and Whip Cream

      Now that you have filled the hidden cave with goodies it’s time to cover it up. A trick to using a piping bag, never fill it all the way, halfway to three-quarters max. Twist the top two to three times until the bag is under pressure.

      One hand goes on the top and squeezes the bag, the bottom hand does NOT squeeze, it is merely there to guide the tip. Squeezing with the top hand guide the tip around the outside of the Cupcake first and work your way to the middle. Once you hit the middle, stop squeezing and pull straight up to finish.

      When the top of the bag gets too loose or soft, twist the top a little tighter to create pressure and off you go again.

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes, Strawberries, tea and Whip Cream

      All that is left is to garnish them up a little. The above picture shows three examples of how to use Strawberries. I call them the classic, the fan, and the bunny ears 😛 . The only thing that matters is to have fun with it and try to make them interesting to the eye.

      I followed that by sprinkling toasted sliced Almonds over the top, The Almonds compliment the fact that you have an Almond Cake. It is a hint of what they are about to bite into without telling them the whole story.

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes, Strawberries, tea and Whip Cream

      A little afternoon Tea, some ripe seasonal Strawberries on a side platter, Strawberry Shortcake, Cupcake, Surprise. Now all that is left is company and…Enjoy!

Strawberry Shortcake… Cupcake… Surprise

Decadent and sweet but ohh so worth it. They will not fit into any diet know to mankind… Well maybe Vegetarians.
Prep Time20 mins
Cook Time25 mins
Finishing & Decorating40 mins
Total Time1 hr 25 mins
Course: Cakes, Dessert
Cuisine: American
Servings: 12 cupcakes


The Cake

  • ½ cup Butter Softened
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 2 Eggs
  • ½ tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 ¼ cup Flour
  • ¾ cup Ground Almond
  • 1 Tbsp Baking Powder
  • pinch Salt
  • ½ cup Milk


  • 12 large Ripe Strawberries
  • 1 Tbsp Icing Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Port Wine use any dessert wine, even Brandy or Rum

Mascarpone Whip Topping

  • 1 ¼ cup Whipping Cream
  • ¼ cup plus 2 Tbsp Icing Sugar… plus
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 250 g Mascarpone Cheese 1 package


  • Turn the oven on to 350° F

The Cake

  • Place the softened Butter and Sugar in a mixer and whip on medium for 3 – 4 minutes, or until they appear fluffy.
  • Add in one Egg at a time mixing on low speed, add the Vanilla Extract and mix thoroughly.
  • In a separate bowl mix together the Flour, Ground Almond, Baking Powder and Salt.
  • Measure the Milk into a pourable container.
  • On low speed starting with the flour take turns add Flour then Milk to the mixer. Pause the mixer if the sides need to be wiped down and continue mixing until the batter is fully mixed.
  • Line a 12 muffin pan with baking cups. Using a ¼ cup Ice cream scoop or measuring cup fill each area of the muffin tin ¾ full of batter.
  • Place in the middle of the oven at 350° F for 20 -25 minutes, or until a wooden skewer poked into the middle of a Cupcake comes out clean.
  • remove them to a wire rack to cool.


  • Pull out the small, good looking Strawberries for garnishing later. Using the very ripe Strawberries, cut them into small pieces.
  • In a mixing bowl combine the Strawberries, Icing Sugar and Port Wine. Set aside as you make the Mascarpone Whip Topping.

Mascarpone Whip Topping

  • In a clean bowl, whip the cream until it reaches the soft peak stage. That's when it becomes stiffer but doesn't look hard yet.
  • Add in the ¼ cup of the Icing Sugar and Vanilla Extract and whip a little more. After a very short time it should thicken up substantially, Make sure not to over whip and make Butter.
  • In a separate bowl place the Mascarpone Cheese, with a whisk beat the Cheese until it softens up, about a minute.
  • Add one third of the Whip Cream to the Mascarpone and gently Whisk to Blend, this will lighten the Mascarpone and make it easier to incorporate the rest of the Whip Cream.
  • A third at a time add the Cream and fold into the Mascarpone using a rolling motion with the whisk. Continue until all the Cream is mixed in and incorporated.

Finishing & Decorating

  • Using a 1 tablespoon Melon baller scoop out the middle of the Cupcake, go deep but just make sure to leave good volume at the bottom so nothing falls out. Unfortunately the only thing I could think of do to with the cake I scooped out was… eat it :).
  • Next, fill the hole you just made with the macerated Strawberries, make sure to divide evenly and make more if you are short.
  • There might be some liquid left at the bottom of the bowl too, these cupcakes are heavier and can handle a little extra liquid so don't be afraid to drizzle a little in with the Strawberries.
  • Next is the Whip, Use a piping bag fitted with a very large rosette tip and load the Whip Cream into the bag.
  • A couple hints for using a piping bag… first is don't worry about having a piping bag, I use a large ziplock bag most of the time.
    Second is loading the bag, place the bag rosette tip down in a deep cup, fold over the top edge of the bag to make it stiffer. Now you have two hands free to load the Whip into the bag. See notes for how to pipe using a piping bag.
  • Starting on the outside edge of the Cupcake and working your way into the middle, start piping in a circular motion. Work your way into the middle and up, when you are done lift up quickly to create a little Whip Cream tip
  • Lastly garnish, I showed you three different ways I cut Strawberries to garnish my Cupcakes but as long as you have fun doing it… experiment you will find the Strawberry artist in you.
  • Sprinkle with some crushed toasted Almond, serve and… Enjoy!


Using a piping bag: the key is using your top hand to do the squeezing, that way everything is pushed down. If you use your bottom hand to squeeze then you are pushing the Whip Cream in two directions at the same time and have less control.
Let your bottom hand guide, only fill a bag up 3/4 max so you have room to twist the top of the bag. Twist until there is pressure, then fold over the twisted end and grip tightly with your top hand. Garb the bottom with your other hand and start squeezing with the top hand to push the Whip down.
As the top of the bag starts to get loose and it becomes harder to maintain pressure, twist the top tight again until there is pressure and resume piping.

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