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Chickpea Salad

Chickpea Salad

A Chickpea Salad for every Occasion       This easy Chickpea Salad is one of my fail safe recipes for taking to a party. It tastes light, crisp, looks beautiful and the best part, it tastes better after it has been sitting for awhile. 

Pulled Pork Sandwich

Pulled Pork Sandwich

      “Set it, and forget it” that is a phrase most people over the age of 30 know well. This recipe for Pulled Pork Sandwich might be a little more work than Ron Popeil’s Rotisserie but not by much.

Southern Coleslaw

Southern Coleslaw

      This Southern Coleslaw recipe is not one I can take credit for. I borrowed this simple recipe from someone many years ago, so long ago I can’t remember who. I have enjoyed it so much that anytime I have BBQ and need a Coleslaw I make this one, without question. Continue reading Southern Coleslaw



      The first time I ever made Gnocchi I was told they needed to taste like little pillows in your mouth. I thought that was a little silly…. until …. I made them and exclaimed ” that tasted like a little pillow in my 

Cheeseburger Gnocchi

Cheeseburger Gnocchi

” Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, Pepsi ….. No Coke just Pepsi “ – John Belushi SNL – It might not be a Burger but I’m sure this Cheeseburger Gnocchi would make John proud.       This is a very easy dish to put together if 

Taking Flight

Taking Flight


      It is Finally here April 2, 2019 yeah, 12 months after deciding to start a food blog and eight months after realizing I knew nothing about WordPress and programming. A whole bunch of hiccups along the way and Simple Food Affair is LIVE and Taking Flight. Welcome to my indulgence, I hope you will have fun and learn as you try some of my recipes. Cooking should be fun and easy so if you have questions, ideas or you are just struggling with something please let me know. I will try my best to help you find the fun in cooking.

      After I had written several blog posts I decided to look at how other bloggers had written theirs. I laughed as I read posts that sounded eerily similar to mine. Phrases like “this is the best you will ever eat” and “my family loves this so much they lick the bowl”. All I could think to myself was “Hey they copied my recipe”. kidding of course.

      Truthfully I can say… mine is the best and my family does lick the plate, on occasion …kidding, or not 😉

      The truth is there are so many delicious recipes, I encourage you to try as many as you can. Over time you’ll learn what works for you and what doesn’t and how to incorporate it all together. That is how you turn recipes into­ your own.

      In my opinion what makes food fun is knowing that one ingredient, like the humble Onion which can transform in so many ways. Turn the heat too low and caramelize an Onion to a beautiful golden brown before adding Beef Stock to make an incredible French Onion Soup. Or slice a Red Onion razor thin and mix it into your favourite Chickpea salad to give it a little bite and sharpness. That is the joy the wonder of cooking, seeing what is possible with so little and not being afraid to try new things.

So please stay tuned as I add more recipes, hints, tricks and tips.
