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Creamy Goat Cheese Polenta

Creamy Goat Cheese Polenta

This porridge might have been a staple in ancient times but I bet they never had it this good. Tangy Goat Cheese, the richness of whole Cream and Butter, the fragrance of Thyme and the wonderful sweetness of Honey… all encased in Creamy Polenta. This brilliant side dish works so well with slow roast tender Meats.

Roasted Tomato Bruschetta

Roasted Tomato Bruschetta

      Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Shallots add a little zesty Goat Cheese, some sweet sticky Honey and tangy Lemon Zest. All topped on a beautiful Artisan Baguette will put a smile on every face at your party.

Chocolate Braised Short ribs

Chocolate Braised Short ribs

      I know what you’re thinking, Chocolate in my short ribs, never, but you need to try this one. Chocolate Braised Shorts Ribs beautifully combines melt in your mouth Beef with the richness of Chocolate.

      Accompanied with some Amazing Creamy Goat Cheese Polenta and some Roasted Carrots the table will go quiet. All you will hear is the low, slow “mmmmmmmm” coming from your guests. Continue reading Chocolate Braised Short ribs

Apple Cider Vinaigrette

Apple Cider Vinaigrette

An Apple cider vinaigrette that is a light elegant addition to any green salad. 
The best parts of this vinaigrette is only needing a few tablespoons of Apple Cider, what you do with the rest is up to you!

Banana Bread

Banana Bread

      What to do with all those old Bananas? No matter how many or how few you buy, there are allows silly Bananas sitting on the counter. We all have the same issue, what to do with overly ripe, brown skin Bananas. The answer is, drum roll please, Banana Bread Ta-Da.



      I’m reluctant to post this recipe for Borscht. No matter how many times I try I am constantly told, by certain family members, it’s only a seven or eight. 

      In fairness to me I am competing against the memory of a loved grandma. I imagine I will never reach the heights of her Borscht, and I am perfectly fine with that. I never had the fortune of meeting her but I have no doubt her version of Borscht was much better than mine ;). Continue reading Borscht