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Wonderfully easy Strawberry Ice Cream

Wonderfully easy Strawberry Ice Cream

Carrying on to the end of Strawberry week we have a quick and easy Ice Cream. Not a conventional Ice Cream but it’s so easy and creamy and delicious you have to try making it.
Don’t just stop at Strawberries try it with frozen Cherries or frozen Bananas. Mix of the different liqueur flavours and spices for and endless supply of flavours.
Get churning!!

Strawberry Shortcake… Cupcake… Surprise

Strawberry Shortcake… Cupcake… Surprise

Strawberry Shortcake, in a Cupcake with a Surprise whaaaaat!!
  It all started with me saying Strawberry Shortcake, I have to put that classic on for Strawberry week.
Now you get to enjoy the fruits ( get it fruits lol, ok not that funny but still ) of my labour. Macerated Strawberries, creamy flavoured Whip Cream and a special cake to put it all on.
Only catch is, you have to go check it out, to find out, what all the fuss is about. I promise one thing, you won’t be disappointed.

Strawberry & Spinach Salad

Strawberry & Spinach Salad

      Strawberry week is here, It’s Strawberry season in Vancouver and there are stands popping up all over the place. So what better way to kick it off than with a classic, Strawberry & Spinach Salad.

      The addition of Goat Cheese, Slivered Almonds and White Balsamic dressing puts it over the top. There is almost no chance of leftovers after this salad hits the table.  Continue reading Strawberry & Spinach Salad

Fabulous Traditional Hummus

Fabulous Traditional Hummus

There are as many varieties of Hummus as there are countries that lay claim to it. And the options of what to serve it with are almost endless.
I am so excited to share with you one of my favourite indulgences… Hummus. Inside you will find a fabulous, simple and very traditional Hummus recipe that takes almost no prep and can be done in 10 minutes.
There are so many variations of Hummus out there I would live to hear any ideas that you have. What do you eat Hummus with or what do you add to Hummus to make it yours…Enjoy!

White Balsamic Dressing with Maple Syrup

White Balsamic Dressing with Maple Syrup

      A Beautiful light Balsamic dressing perfect for a Strawberry & Spinach Salad. The White Balsamic will keep your Salad looking light and fresh, and allow the Salad ingredients to shine through.       Just like all my dressings, if it isn’t simple 

Filipino Chicken Adobo

Filipino Chicken Adobo

      A short story about how I challenge myself to learn new things, sometimes 😉 . I know quite a lot about French Cuisine, Italian Cuisine, a little about East Indian, Mexican and Japanese Cuisine, but I know almost nothing about Filipino Cuisine. So I asked a friend of mine, who is Filipino if that wasn’t obvious lol, what was her favourite dish from home… “Filipino Chicken Adobo”.

      So obviously I asked ” what is that ” knowing only of Chipotle Peppers in Adobo sauce, which is distinctly Mexican. Well, it is Vinegary, has Sugar, a thick rich sauce and must have Carrots and Potatoes. I said Ok and off I went… here I am with my version. Continue reading Filipino Chicken Adobo