Strawberry & Spinach Salad

Strawberry & Spinach Salad

      Strawberry week is here, It’s Strawberry season in Vancouver and there are stands popping up all over the place. So what better way to kick it all off than with a classic, Strawberry & Spinach Salad.

      The addition of Goat Cheese, Slivered Almonds and White Balsamic dressing puts it over the top. There is almost no chance of leftovers after this salad hits the table. 

Mediterranean Cauliflower Salad

Mediterranean Cauliflower Salad

As soon as you put the word… Mediterranean … in front of a food title I get hungry. Say it slowly with me… Mediterranean       Cauliflower       Salad…      mmmmmm.

A great Salad for a weekend party or BBQ even a busy sports night later that week. And tastes better after sitting for a while so you know the leftovers are going to taste great.