A good Shawarma Spice mix is a great thing to have in the cupboard for those nights when time or energy are lacking for diner.

Quick, easy, delicious what more is needed for all those “I don’t have enough time” peeps out there. Enjoy!

Anna Potatoes

Anna Potatoes

Do you love creamy Buttery Potatoes that melts in your mouth. Has that beautiful golden brown crisp edge and is pretty to look at.
These are a Buttered up version of Scalloped Potatoes. Twice the Butter twice the fun as an old instructor I had might of said.
Check out the two different ways there are to do Anna Potatoes. A classic French Potato side dish, you can learn how to make quick easy Anna Potato on a sheet pan. Or make the classic Anna Potato pie that needs to be sliced into.
Either way give one a try and let me know if there was enough Butter… LOL Enjoy!



      The first time I ever made Gnocchi I was told they needed to taste like little pillows in your mouth. I thought that was a little silly…. until …. I made them and exclaimed ” that tasted like a little pillow in my