Best Tomato Sauce Ever

Best Tomato Sauce Ever

     What’s better than a Slightly acidic, a little bit sweet, a touch of tangy, and a smidge of delicious Tomato Sauce?? How about The Best Tomato Sauce Ever made with only 4 ingredients!!!!!!!!

     That’s right, I’m offering you the go-to recipe for all your Tomato Sauce needs. The Sauce that would make your Grandma cry. The sauce so rich in flavour you’d think it was cooked for days and had 21 ingredients.

Spaghetti and Tomato Sauce with large pieces of grated Parmesan Cheese on a white plate.

     Not this Italian dream, this Tomato Sauce has only 4 ingredients, that’s right FOUR ingredients. Olive Oil, Garlic, Tomatoes, and Basil, the real secret to making The Best Tomato Sauce Ever is the quality of the ingredients.

     Indulge me for a second and Imagine a single ingredient, the humble Apple. Beautifully round, crunchy texture leading to a wonderfully sweet-tasting flesh. Now imagine biting into a brown, bruised Apple, mushy with a slightly off taste not so appetizing anymore, is it?

     Shake it off….Shake it off, I gave myself the willies thinking about biting into a bruised Apple lol…  But this only amplifies the need for quality here.

Firm-Ripe Garlic

Fresh Head of Garlic half crushed on cutting board.

Quality Olive Oil

Fresh Olives and a glass jar with Olive Oil.

Fresh Basil

Fresh basil.

best quality tomatoes available

2 tomato cans blurred with X over them. Cans of Fire roasted Tomatoes, Heirloom Tomatoes and It Italian Tomatoes with green check over them.

     With only four ingredients, choosing quality is of the upmost importance.

     The beauty is you don’t need fresh Tomatoes to make a beautiful sauce. You do, however, need quality Tomatoes even if using canned. Personally, I love buying the Fire Roasted Tomatoes, I enjoy that slightly smoky flavour they add.

     Occasionally I see canned Heirloom Tomatoes and found they make a wonderful sauce too. Whichever way you go just make sure they’re a quality brand with nice ripe Tomatoes inside.

Starting our Tomato sauce

      Making The Best Tomato Sauce Ever couldn’t be easier, 

      First, start with approx. 8 Tbsp or 1/2 cup of Olive Oil in a large pan. Now I realize 1/2 cup of Olive oil seems like a lot….  trust me  😉 …. ,and go with it.

      After the Oil starts to heat up we add our chopped Garlic. 

Important Note:

      Make sure to use chopped Garlic not crushed. We want to brown the Garlic and if we add crushed Garlic it might burn.

Chopped Garlic on cutting board.

     As soon as the Garlic has some nice light brown colour on it, turn the heat to low. The color will come quickly so don’t blink :). Add 2-398ml cans or 1-796ml can of your favourite Diced Tomatoes.

Brown Garlic in Olive Oil cooking in cast iron pan.

     I should mention, make sure to open the cans while the Garlic is cooking. Don’t start opening the Tomato cans after the Garlic has browned and watch the Garlic move from a beautifully golden brown to dark and burnt while you’re running around the kitchen going ” where’s that ^$#%$ can opener ” 😛 . But I digress, I know you are smart Tomatoes so no need to mention it…… right lol

“Just when you’re beginning to think pretty well of people, you run across somebody who puts sugar on sliced tomatoes”

  • – Will Cuppy –

Back to our Tomato sauce

     Now that the heat is on low, the Garlic is brown ( which will remove any of the bitter flavours and leave just the sexy sweetness of the Garlic ),  it’s time to add the Tomatoes to the pan. Remember you have hot Oil and are adding watery Tomatoes …. so don’t throw them in, they are going to splatter. I like to pour them onto the back of a spoon, this helps to spread them out and not splash as much.

      Once the Tomatoes are in the pan use a wooden spoon to pull the Olive Oil from the outside of the pan to the middle. This will help incorporate the Oil and Tomatoes together.

Tomato Sauce in cast iron pan.

     Give the Oil and Tomatoes a good stir and let them sit at a low temperature for about 10-15 minutes.

     If using fresh Basil, chop and add at the end of the cooking process. If using dried Basil add after the Tomatoes and simmer along with everything else.

Now you Have

The Best Four Ingredient Tomato Sauce EVER,

Tomato Sauce in blender.

     Throw it into a blender for a smooth consistency and an awesome Pizza Sauce.

     Add some breaded Chicken, Olives, Red Onion. Rosemary and Red Wine for a delicious Mediterranean Chicken

2 small pizzas on pizza plate, Cheese, Olives and Basil on table.

     Into a jar and into the fridge for ” I don’t have time to cook tonight” diner later in the week.     

     Or simply add some Spaghetti and Parmesan right away for an incredibly fast and delicious family diner. 

Spaghetti and Tomato Sauce twirled with fork and spoon.

      Try adding a light and fresh Apple and Brie Salad or Chickpea Salad to the meal.

     Any way you Stir it…. get it “stir it” lol, ok not that funny 🙂 ….. this is the easiest, fastest, most versatile, Best Tomato Sauce you will ever make. Enjoy!! 

      If you enjoyed this video show your Tomato love by subcribing to my YouTube channel for more mouth watering videos in the future.     

Tomato Sauce in cast iron pan

Best Tomato Sauce Ever

Simple, Delicious, and Versatile
Prep Time5 mins
Cook Time20 mins
Course: sauce
Cuisine: Italian


  • 1/2 Cup Olive Oil
  • 1 796 ml Can Diced Tomaotes
  • 8 Cloves Garlic, Diced Approx. 1 Head of Garlic
  • 8 Leaves Fresh Basil or, 2 Tbsp dried Basil


  • Dice ( don't crush ) the Garlic, a few larger chunks are OK. To many small pieces will burn quickly.
  • Heat the Olive Oil in a heavy bottom pan on medium-high heat.
  • Once the Oil is hot add the Garlic, don't walk away because the Garlic will go from brown to burnt quickly.
  • Once the Garlic hits the light brown to medium brown color lower the heat to low add the canned Tomatoes. The Oil will splatter when the Tomatoes go in so try and spread them around.
    Use a wooden spoon to pull the Oil from the outside of the pan back into the middle to incorporate the two.
  • If using dried Basil now is the time to add it, dried herbs need more love to get all the flavor out.
  • Once the Oil and Tomatoes have been incorporated leave on medium-low heat for 10-15 minutes or until 50% of the liquid has evaporated.
  • If using fresh Basil add at the end of cooking to maintain the most flavor possible.

Ways to Enjoy

  • Cook some fresh Spaghetti, added the Tomato Sauce straight from the pan, some grated Parma and you'd probably be happy.
  • You could also blend the Tomato Sauce for a Crusty Bread Dip, or a very nice Pizza Sauce.
  • Any way you decide to use this Sauce you will find it simple and easy, Enjoy!

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