Banana Bread

Banana Bread

no banana is a bad banana

      What to do with all those old Bananas? No matter how many or how few you buy, there are always silly Bananas sitting on the counter. We all have the same issue, what to do with overly ripe, brown skin Bananas. The answer is, drum roll please, Banana Bread Ta-Da.

      Of course, Banana Bread is not all we can make with old Bananas but face it, it’s sooo easy. It’s so easy there are hundreds of Banana Bread recipes out there and yet they can all taste so different. How many Bananas to use, how old are they, how much sugar, all things that will make different tasting Breads.

      There aren’t many things my youngest goes crazy for, he is extremely picky, but this Banana Bread is one of them. I always make at least two loaves because the first one is gone in about five minutes. I think the biggest key is freezing the Bananas, and lots of Butter on fresh Bread..  

Banana Bread slices with melting Butter.

      When the Bananas sitting on the counter start to look a little too brown I add them to the pile in the freezer. Frozen Bananas tend to be much sweeter which means less added Sugar is needed, and that is a win for everyone.

Prepping the pans

      Before we get to the Bread mixture I like to get my Loaf Pans prepped. Grab some butter with your fingers ( or fingers wrapped in parchment if you prefer ) and smear the entire inside of the Loaf Pans, don’t forget the corners.

      Drop approximately a Tablespoon of Flour in the bottom and tilt the pan back and forth until all the Butter is coated with Flour. Discard the rest of the Flour and set the pans aside.

      Turn the oven on to 325° F and start making your batter while it heats up.

This is the pile of Bananas in my freezer, don’t judge 😛 .

Remember just like the Minion Stewart Says ” Respect, Power, Banana

How easy is banana bread

      Start by thawing those sweet frozen Bananas, because they are so sweet I use 2-3 per loaf. This is where I love my Kitchen Aid Mixer, I toss all my wet ingredients in and turn it on. I set aside the Flour, Baking Powder and Baking Soda and add, once all the wet ingredients are mixed. If you would like nuts or raisins mixed in, now would be the time to do it.

      Turn your oven on to 325° F and let it cook for approximately an hour and fifteen minutes. Pull from the oven, poke a wooden skewer into the centre and when it comes out clean it is cooked. Place a tea towel over the top and the bottom and turn upside down. The Banana Bread should just fall out because of the Flour and Butter. Place on a wire rack to cool and get the Butter ready.

      I love to cut Banana Bread while it is still warm so the Butter just melts into my very thick slice. But be warned it is hard to stop at just one.

Banana Bread

Save those brown Bananas for a delicious snack the kids will love.
Prep Time20 mins
Cook Time1 hr 15 mins
Resting Time15 mins
Total Time1 hr 35 mins
Course: Snack
Cuisine: American
Servings: 2 Loaves


Wet Ingredients

  • 4-5 Bananas Very ripe and Frozen
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Vegetable Oil
  • 1 cup Sour Cream
  • 4 Eggs

Dry Ingredients

  • 3 cup Flour
  • 2 tsp Baking Soda
  • 2 tsp Baking Powder
  • pinch Salt


  • I find the best thing is to get my loaf pans ready before I start with anything else. Grab approximately 1 Tbsp of Butter and with your fingers ( or your finger wrapped with parchment paper )and smear it all over the inside of the pans. Don't forget the corners.
  • Drop approximately 1 Tbsp of Flour into the bottom of the pan and tilt until all the Butter is cover with Flour. Set aside, turn the oven on to 325°F and start making the batter.

Wet Ingredients

  • Thaw the Bananas, peel and place into the bowl of your kitchen mixer. If you don't have a mixer do not fear, use a hand whisk or fork. Because the Bananas are frozen they are very soft and easy to mix.
  • Add the Sugar, Vegetable Oil and Sour Cream to the Bananas and mix. Once they are all mixed together add the Eggs one at a time and finish with the Salt.

Dry Ingredients

  • It is easier if you measure the Flour, Baking Powder, Baking Soda and a pinch of Salt together first. Add about a third of the Flour mixture to the Bananas and mix. Continue with the rest of the Flour mixture, a third at a time until completely combined.
  • Divide evenly into the loaf pans and place on the bottom rack in the oven.
  • Start to check for doneness after an hour and fifteen minutes. You should have a nice brown top and a skewer poked into the middle comes out clean.
  • After the skewer comes out clean turn the oven off and open the oven door slightly. Leave the loaves in the oven for another 10 – 15 minutes with the door open. Cooling them slowly in the oven will help reduce the amount they collapse.
  • Grab the Butter and have fun!


      If you plan to add Nuts, Raisins or anything else it is best to add after 2/3rds of the Flour has been mixed in. Add the Nuts and then finish with the last 1/3rd of Flour.
I usually add approximately 1/2 C of extras per Loaf.