Apple & Brie Salad

Apple & Brie Salad

      An Apple & Brie Salad is one great use for an Apple Cider Vinaigrette. A beautiful Apple Cider Vinaigrette needs a gorgeous canvas to splash around in.

      A Salad mix of Baby Greens balanced with the sweet acidity of Shallots and Dries Currants. Thinly sliced sweet Red Peppers and Apple and the spice of Radish. All brought together with a fresh tasting Apple Cider Vinaigrette and rich Brie is a happy Salad.

      And just for fun top it all off with the buttery crunch of Toasted Walnuts. You may not have to cook anything else for dinner tonight.

Apple quartered and thinly sliced

      You know I like to keep things simple from time to time and this is no exception. A little slicing and chopping, some mixing and then a whole bunch of eating.

stop the crime of apples browning

      I like to Keep the skin on the Apple, I cut the Apple into quarters and remove the core. I slice each quarter into nice thin strips, but feel free to cut anyway you want. Just remember if you take your time when cutting it will be more visually appealing when you serve the finished product.

      No-one likes the look of a brown Apple even if it still tastes good so here is a hint to help prevent it from browning. After slicing the Apples place them in a small bowl with a couple drops of Lemon Juice ( or any acid ) and mix to coat. The acid will slow down the browning long enough for you to serve any Salad.

      Next cut the Shallots in half and slice thinly… the thicker the slice the sharper the taste. Repeat with a Red Pepper, cut in half and slice thinly. Finally grate a few Radishes with a coarse grater. Radish can taste sharp so use a grate size you find appropriate.

      To add that nutty crunch on top toast 1/2 cup of Walnuts, but don’t walk away from the pan or they might burn.

      Don’t forget to reserve some of the Apple, Shallot, Red Pepper, Currants and Radish for garnishing at the end. You won’t need much, a little goes a long way when adding visual appeal to food.

Apple & Brie Salad with dressing drizzled over the top

two different ways to plate

      In a large mixing bowl toss together the Baby Greens, Apple, Shallot, Red Pepper, Currants, Radish and half the Walnuts. With your fingers tear half the Brie into little chunks and add to the mix.

      If you managed to make the Apple Cider Vinaigrette ahead of time drizzle 1/2 cups worth and toss again. Otherwise use a dressing of your liking.

      If you are using one bowl to serve the Apple & Brie Salad garnish the top with all the ingredients you held back.

      If you are serving on individual plates, portion each plate and spread the garnish around. Remember, when plating the Salad give the lettuce height, it makes it more visually appealing. 

I wonder what happens when 

a doctors wife eats an Apple a day? hmmmm 😉

Apple & Brie Salad

Gluten free with the right dressing… check out Apple Cider Vinaigrette
Vegetarian… depending upon your view of cheese… substitute as needed
Prep Time15 mins
Total Time15 mins
Course: Appetizer, Salad, Snack, Starter
Cuisine: European, French, Mediterranean
Servings: 6 servings


  • 142 g Mixed Greens I used a package of Baby Greens, any young tender leaf will work
  • 1 Apple I love Gala
  • 1/2 wheel Brie
  • 2-3 Shallot's Sliced thinly, substitute with Red Onion
  • 1/2 Red Pepper Sliced thinly
  • 3-4 small Radish Grated
  • 1/2 C Dried Currants Substitute Raisins if you don't have Currents
  • 1/2 C Walnuts Toasted
  • 1/2 C Apple Cider Vinaigrette


  • Wash your Greens if they are not Pre-washed
  • This is how I cut my Apple but anyway you want is fine, just keep it visually interesting. I keep the skin on the Apple, cut it into quarters, core and slice into thin strips.
  • Cut the Red Pepper into quarters and the Shallots in half, slice both into thin strips. Chunks of Shallot lend a much sharper taste the thinner they are the more delicate the flavour will be.
  • Grate the Radish using either a coarse or fine grater, the coarser the more intense the Radish flavour.
  • Toast the Walnuts over a low heat on the cooktop. Be sure not to walk away, they can go from toasted to burnt very quickly.
  • Set aside in on a small plate small amounts of Shallot, Red Pepper, Currants, and Apple for garnish later.
  • If you're serving in one bow now would be a good time to mix the Salad together. See further down if you want to make individual plates.
    Mix the Leaf Greens with the Red Pepper, Shallot, Radish, Apple, Currants and 1/2 the Toasted Walnuts. Add 1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinaigrette and mix.
  • Spread the reserved garnish around the top including the Walnuts. Tear the brie into little pieces and spread around, Serve.
  • If you want to present on individual plates add the Dressing last. Start by tossing everything but the Dressing and garnish. Devide evenly among the plates, try giving the salad some height it will look more attractive.
  • Portion out the garnish between the plates and drizzle the top with Dressing. Top each plate with some Brie chunks and… Enjoy!!


For a vegetarian option just change out the Brie to a vegetarian friendly one.

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